Miscellaneous Streets Work

Leaving Hampstead

Photo by hidden shine
Photo by hidden shine

Friday was my last day working in Hampstead. We are moving to Soho now—the heart of London, they say.

It’s been a wonderful year and I’m already missing Hampstead, but I can’t deny that the excitement of the move, of new things and new days is clouding the sadness.

Streets Travel


Photo by joellybaby
Photo by joellybaby

This past weekend, while walking around Brick Lane, I entered a bike shop, and something I had never thought came to my mind: bikes look nice.

I like things that look nice. So the thought of buying one has been crossing my mind lately. It doesn’t mean I will ever do it though—I don’t even know if I can still ride one—but that alone is a big deal.

If anyone would like to buy me one, the one of the photo is exactly what I want 🙂

Miscellaneous People Streets


Photo by fotdmike
Photo by fotdmike

I am under the impression that police men walking in pairs use a different type of hat each. Am I terribly wrong?



Photo by slurve
Photo by slurve

Fact: cars drive on the wrong side of the road here in London.

During the first few months of living in London, I would always look at the right side of the road and then be startled by any cars that were passing in the wrong direction.

Now when I go to Portugal, or any other country that has its traffic on the right side of the road, I’m really confused.

So now I don’t know in which direction to look at in any country of the world, not only the UK. Thanks, London.

Streets Travel

Owning a car

Photo by Kind of blue
Photo by Kind of blue

A lot of Londoners don’t own a car. I own a car in Portugal, but when I’m here I don’t feel the need for one (plus all the headaches and bills it brings).

I would say it’s because you can go almost anywhere easily by public transport (and sometimes faster). I find public transport is quite reliable and frequent (most of the times), as opposed to Portugal.

I like the freedom of not having a car (even if I still have to pay my car’s insurance every year…).

Streets Travel


Photo by Gaetan Lee
Photo by Gaetan Lee

A lot of people cycle to work here in London. I would say about 60 to 70% of the people I know do, but I guess that’s not the correct percentage for the whole of London’s population.

I’m still not convinced to do it myself, for various reasons: even though I’m getting used to it, traffic is on the wrong side of the road; I would have to carry the bike around; I would have to buy a bike (I waste a lot of time online when I have to buy something); I’m afraid of buses; I don’t mind the Tube (most of the times).

Maybe one day…

Streets Travel

In a hurry

Photo by Andy Houghton
Photo by Andy Houghton

“When I first came to London, I wasn’t in a hurry. I had nowhere to be at any particular time. But I saw how everybody seemed to be late for something, so I just started running too, even though I didn’t have to.”

A friend of mine told me this. I wonder if we’re all just copying each other.



Photo by forzagaribaldi
Photo by forzagaribaldi

You rarely see a cat in the streets of London. And when you do, they all look like they’re just out for a walk, and are not abandoned. Where are all the other cats?



Photo by chamira
Photo by chamira

One of the things I like most about London are the dogs. They all look so cool and nice.

I like especially that brown dog that sits every morning outside the McDonald’s near the Hampstead Tube Station. He seems to be the nicest of them all, and he even wears a little jacket when it’s raining (to be honest, I think any Londoner dog has its own closet full of clothes; probably with more pieces than I do).